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Paul McCormac : sport’s bio
Some of Our Clients
Paul McCormac : Media
Physio & Co Supported Athletes
Acute Low Back Pain / with or without ‘Shift’
Low Back Pain Exercises pages 1-2
A.C Joint
Rotator Cuff/Supraspinatus
Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
Dislocation – Subluxation
ACL & Knee / Ankle Rehab
McACL phase 1 – day 1 week 1
McACL phase 2 – week 1 to week 2
The Step Routines
Hopping Progression, Box jumps & Hurdles
Ladder, Speed & Field Drills
Advanced Knee / Ankle Gym Based Rehab
Hamstring Ladder & Syndrome docs
Hip mobilising & strengthening
Core Programme
Pitch rehab ladder ‘pitch runner 1’
mixed Video’s from the www
Shoulder / Scapular / Thoracic
Advanced Knee / Ankle Gym Based Rehab
Advanced Knee / Ankle Gym Based Rehab
Advanced gym based knee rehab for field - contact - high speed sports
Exercises should be tested, prescribed by your Physiotherapist / Physical Therapist as and when appropriate.
PowerStep ACL Rehabilitation - Stage I
PowerStep ACL Rehabilitation - Stage II
PowerStep ACL Rehabilitation - Stage III
All images and resources are the intellectual property of physio&co Ltd