Useful progression is to master the
- Skier Jumps
- Skier jumps to step / small box - sideways then forward
- Have started the split double 1. hop up then step down 2. hop up / hop down 3. master this with soft controlled [ quiet ] landing
- hop over a pen : 1. sideways 2. front [ not back ]
- hop from centre marker to all areas on 1. DICE 5 dots 2. North South East West then NE NW etc
- low box jump up onto step 1. front .2. side ways ..... 3. week later add in the landing
- hop up onto low step 1. front 2. inside 3.outside - then week later add in the hop down
- add in some ladder work
- develop hop / ladder / small box jump circuit
- progress to bounding down a gym - runway
- progress to the hopping through 8-12 cones shoulder width apart 1. left 2.right 3.shuffle 2 over 1 back
- add in multiple steps - vary height